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Since 2014, the St. Lazarus-Fonds has provided extensive and diverse aid to people affected by leprosy in Shan State in Myanmar. Particularly in the leprosy colony Loilem, with 700 residents, the St. Lazarus-Fonds has implemented profound and sustainable aid projects in partnership with the Archdiocese Taunggyi. Among others, these projects comprise:

  • An agricultural project to improve the income generation of the colony, including animal husbandry as well as cultivation of avocado, mango and dragon fruit

  • The construction of four wells and a water supply system for the five villages of the colony

  • The construction of new, accessible bathrooms in the main village of the colony, where leprous patients live

  • Support for the colony’s clinic through medical material

  • The creation of living and learning spaces for the schoolchildren of the colony

  • Support for students through stipends, tuition and learning material

Furthermore, the St. Lazarus-Fonds provides support for a home for HIV-positive children in the city of Taunggyi and the leprosy-affected village Nyaung Pin Thar, near Lake Inle.

The military coup in Myanmar in 2021 has dramatically exacerbated the security situation in the country and has substantially affected the work of the St. Lazarus-Fonds in the country. At the same time, the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar increasingly threatens the particularly vulnerable people affected by leprosy.
Although it is currently not possible to visit the country, the St. Lazarus-Fonds continues to support leprosy-affected communities through its local partners, with whom a trustful collaboration has evolved.


Video about the projects in Myanmar in 2023

Between 2018 and 2023, a lot has happened in the leprosy colony of Loilem and in Myanmar. Many…

Activity in 2023

It is a difficult year. Please note: the original of this text was written in Myanmar in English. Sections have been edited…

New study hall in Nyaung Pin Thar village

The Karuna Mission social solidarity – Taungyi (KMSS-TGI) has been overseeing the construction of…

Renovation/remodeling of the old medical building

Renovation/remodeling of the medical building for use as classrooms. The KMSS-TGI has been…

Harvest Time for Avocados

It is finally harvest time for the avocado crop.  These videos were taken in 2022.

2021: in July

Situation after the military coup in Myanmar in Februar 2021 Dear Members of the St. Lazarus-Fonds, Following the military coup in Myanmar in February 2021…

2021 - Medical building Project completed

The Medical Building, a part of the boarding school, is finished The renovation is complete! Excerpts from the KMSS Report: Introduction and Summary of…

Renovation of the Medical Building - finished 2021

The renovation is finished! Excerpts from the  KMSS report: Early in 2021 the finishing…

St. Lazarus Activity Report 2017-2019

An overview of the St. Lazarus-Fonds Europe activities in Myanmar St. Lazarus - Fonds Europe e.V. Dr. Thomas Gille, director Altkönigstraße 8 61462…

Boarding School

In 2019 a boarding house/school was started. A building was found, renovated, and materials supplied. Today it is in use. Here are four short videos taken in 2019 of the boarding school.

2020: Well and water supply for the boarding house project

Here are photos and three short videos of the construction and elements of the finished water supply for the boarding house project.

Photo and short videos aus Loilem

Here is a photo and some short videos, taken on as visit to the leper colony in Loilem last winter.

Project in Leper Colony in Loilem - Report from June 2019

Vortrag in Myanmar In June 2019 Dr. Thomas Gille made a presentation on St. Lazarus-Fonds Europe's work in the leper…

Video - St. Lazarus-Fonds Europe 2019

2018:Toilet and Washroom construction

This copy of the final report of the Toilet and Washroom Construction project has been edited for…

2018: Water supply project - the new pipeline

A new water supply for Kone Pyat Village       Water Supply Program Kone Pyat Village, Ho Khai Village Tract,  Leper Colony, Loilem…

2017: Travel and Project Report of the St. Lazarus-Fonds Europe

In 2015 a delegation from St. Lazarus-Fonds travelled to Myanmar to check the feasibility of proposed projects there, and then afterwards authorized the project financing. In December 2017 the… Loilem (Myanmar), December 5 – 12, 2017    Visit and Project Report of the St. Lazarus-Fonds…

Video - Loilem in Dezember 2017

Loilem 2016 - ein Film über Loilem, aufgenommen in Oktober 2016

Hier haben wir ein neues Video von Loilem, aufgenommen in Oktober 2016.

Loilem 2017 - ein Film über Fortschritte

Die aktuellen Aufnahmen aus der Leprakolonie in Loilem zeigen die bisherigen Erfolge im Bereich…

2017: Loilem

A video on Loilem in 2017. The video discusses the past, progress in projects in 2017, and what can be done in the future. Here is a brief look at the leper colony Loilem in 2017.  This video is narrated in German, but the…

2016: Annual Agricultural Report

Here is an edited version of the 2016 Annual Agricultural Report   The project manager for the support project in Loilem has sent a report on progress over the…

2017: A different approach to a new well.

Although all attempts at drillling an artesian well in the village of Kone Pyat have failed, all is not lost. We are taking a new approach to this problem. There seems to be light at the end of the tunnel for the residents of the 4th village in the lepra…

2016: Loilem in October

A video illustration of significant progress in various projects in Loilem. The film was taken between October 19th and 22nd, 2016 (the video is at the bottom of this page). …

2016: Video from Loilem

Video taken on a short visit to Loilem in June 2016. This video has brief views of a few of the new projects in the colony, taken during the rainy…

2016 - Events in Loilem

There is progress in the leper village of Loilem. Late in 2015 a group from St. Lazarus Fonds Europe visited the leper colony in Loilem, Myanmar. The…

2015: Loilem, Myanmar

A trip to Burma, which has been officially known as Myanmar since 1989, and particularly to the remote regions of that country, remains a minor adventure even today. Hyung –Kun Peter Chung, Thomas Gille, Lukas Weil, Daniel Tögel, St. Lazarus -Fonds Europe e.V. …

VIDEO: Benefizveranstaltung im Januar 2016 in der Oper Frankfurt

2014: Loilem, Myanmar

Leper village Loilem in Shan State, Myanmar According to World Bank data, Myanmar is one of the poorest countries in southeast Asia. Today the…


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